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Union maniac

Evaluation section:
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Union maniac as a phenomenon of the subculture of the Union of admirers

Union Punk is a wide circle of like-minded people who respect the era of the Soviet Union.
In many cities and countries of the former USSR there were fans who willingly share their memories with the same fans.
Proud of old times, constantly compare reality with the past.

Союз-маньяк как явление субкультуры Союз-поклонников



Date of publication: 2017-10-18 16:37:11
Дата модификации: 2017-10-18 16:37:11
Views: 1201
The article is timed to the date: 1997-01-01
Other articles related to: Date1997-01-01 Articles for: Year1997
Writing about politics was a lot easier in the old days when everybody involved was a Communist, though judging by recent developments in Moscow the days of large jowls, unfashionable suits, and life-support machines may be in for a comeback. St. Petersburg, for the time being, is firmly under the control of people who at least nominally embrace democracy and an accelerated pace of reform. As for the populace, they have in recent times slid into political apathy, their senses dulled by a rapid deterioration in the overall standard of living and a spate of elections and referendums that seem to resolve nothing. This apathy is particularly apparent during times of political upheaval in Moscow. For instance, during the Parliamentary crisis in October 1993 when the White House was being shelled, Petersburgers went through their daily routines as if nothing was wrong. Springtime elections for the new city duma (city council) proved to be a disappointment as only about eight people, having mistaken the polling place for a vodka bar, took part in the voting. Of course, many Russians do not consider their attitudes apathetic, but rather drum up the "tremendous patience and endurance of the Russian people" which has let them get screwed by their leaders for countless centuries.
Every now and then certain segments of the local population are overcome with the desire to make a public ruckus, resulting in a political protest. These used to take place in front of the city council building, opposite St. Isaac's Cathedral, during sessions where hot issues (the increase of transport tariffs, the mysterious disappearance of state funds designated for pensions, and so on) were discussed, but since the city council has about as much legislative muscle as a boy scout troop, the new place of choice for demonstrations is by the Alexander Column in Palace Square. The most interesting protesters are the nationalists and neo-Bolsheviks who flock here every so often waving placards of Stalin and Lenin and blaming all of Russia's woes on "shadowy fascist Zionist imperialist mafia free-market elements." Be careful taking pictures at the more inflamed rallies; these people are very sensitive to these kinds of things and may express this sensitivity by punching you in the mouth.
Evaluation of the document:
Do not like
Article description: St. Petersburg, for the time being, is firmly under the control of people who at least nominally embrace democracy and an accelerated pace of reform.


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