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СОХРАНИ СВОЮ ИСТОРИЮ НА СТРАНИЦАХ WFI Категории: Актуальное Избранное Telegram: Современная Россия
Исторический альманах, портал коллекционеров информации, электронный музей


Геноцид собственного народа или «зеленская» чума 21 века

То есть получается Зеленский не считает за своих граждан людей, не живущих на данный момент на Украине

Украине уже пора снять розовые очки и оценить, что значит война, нацизм и терроризм

А в итоге, братья украинцы, если снять розовые очки ЕС, НАТО и педоЗапада, посмотреть на Ближний Восток и оценить, что значит война, нацизм, терроризм

К вопросу о том как глубоко запад пустил свои корни на Украине

Еще одно доказательство того, что планомерная работа по оболваниванию населения и продвижение выгодной заокеанским друзьям повестки началось очень давно

Пора охладить пыл американских ястребов и их европейских гиен

Под ноты сладкой песни, что НАТО не является стороной конфликта, Украине передают танки Леопард, Абрамс и их аналоги.

Сколько весит гривна после последней эмиссии?

Боюсь что Украина уже давно банкрот. Именно банкрот, так как Украина потеряла свою финансовую самостоятельность.


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  • WireLess TCPIP Access Server WLAS-IP

    Date of publication: 2017-10-17 14:40:34
    Author: admin
    Wireless TCP/IP network Access Server (WLAS-IP) is a powerfull solution for wide-area and office wireless TCP/IP networks.
  • ABC Amber Conversion and Merging Software

    Date of publication: 2019-12-08 00:43:53
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    Here are the most commonly asked questions about ABC Amber utilities. If you don't find the answer here, contact technical support.
  • Tatiana Didenko Executive Producer

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 17:50:29
    Author: admin
    is a music critic who, for the past four years, produces the monthly program "Silence No. 9" for the second Russian Channel as well as regular music folklore programs.
  • What is a work of telecommunicative art

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 18:06:40
    приурочен к дате: 1995-02-12
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    What is a work of telecommunicative art, or what are neo-ethical dimensions of neo-Music arts? (16 theses to reflect upon the new and the yore)
  • Culture in the Upcoming Millenium

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    приурочен к дате: 1989-01-01
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    Author: admin
    It is seems appropriate at this point to offer a preliminary definition of screen culture. We think of it as a type of culture whose texts rely primarily on the screen, not on writing, as their material agent.
  • Artists Bring the Computer to Life

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 18:26:46
    приурочен к дате: 1995-01-01
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    Author: admin
    In rejecting the axiom that nothing which can be contemplated exists, we have put forth a program, and will set to work on its technological development. It is a well-known fact that in order to go somewhere you must know your destination.
  • Journeys into History Through the Future

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 18:45:26
    приурочен к дате: 1995-01-01
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    Journeys into History Through the Future: A Historian's Notes on 'Alter Ego' "What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?" -- From Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 18:47:51
    приурочен к дате: 1993-12-13
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    Author: admin
    The Televisions series is the second in the sequence of Other: Photographs (1987), Televisions (1989-until now) and Rotating Images (1991-until now). All three projects are aimed at searching for and making apparent the sources of creative energy.

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 19:13:21
    приурочен к дате: 1996-01-01
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    Author: admin
    Influence of the federal economic policy on social and political development of regions is exerted via various mechanisms, which are of different nature, and which had been studied to varying degree, etc. At the preliminary stage of the study it seems practical to classify these mechanisms.
  • Problems of Fiscal Federalism in Russia

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 19:25:28
    приурочен к дате: 1996-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1996-01-01 Articles for: Год 1996
    Author: admin
    In the recent years, economists have increasingly stressed the idea that good economic institutions, including those in the public sector, are instrumental for economic growth.
  • Russia's North: Economic Problems of Development

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 19:45:46
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    As the Russian national economy experienced cardinal transformations, the problems of development and function of the social and economic complexes in the North aggravated.
  • Economic development in the Russian regions: institutional and macroeconomic problems.

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 19:49:06
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    The presented memo highlights certain problems of economic development in the Russian regions, the study of these problems may be of theoretical and practical importance.
  • Analysis of differentiation of socio-economic development of the Russian regions

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 20:04:45
    приурочен к дате: 1999-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1999-01-01 Articles for: Год 1999
    Author: admin
    The typology of the regions of Russia, the analysis of their differentiation by various indicators of socio-economic development has become a key direction of research in fast developing Russian regional economy.

    Date of publication: 2020-03-22 20:07:25
    приурочен к дате: 1999-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1999-01-01 Articles for: Год 1999
    Author: admin
    It is no exaggeration to say that the distribution of financial powers between the Dominion and the provinces has been by far the most troublesome of the many problems raised by Confederation.

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