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Artists Bring the Computer to Life

Date of publication: 2020-03-22 18:26:46
Дата модификации: 2020-03-22 18:26:46
Views: 1185
The article is timed to the date: 1995-01-01
Other articles related to: Date1995-01-01 Articles for: Year1995
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In a society in which the basic needs of man, food and shelter, have not been met, it is difficult to speak of a secondary need: the need for games. But the world of ideas, which comes to us in the shape of dreams and sudden insights, will never leave man, and the need to express these things will never disappear. In order to express them a multiplicity of rules on various technological levels have been created, and, moreover, these rules are constantly being violated in order to develop new modes of representation. New rules are constantly being created in the ever-developing practice of these games, which are related to numerical recording capacities and the transfer of data, pictures and songs. What are they, and what are the distinctive features of their humaneness? Let's start with a short overview of their pre-history. Without a doubt, they borrowed the principle of representation from their younger brothers, television and cinema. Television: from a small box in our apartment we are able to peek into the lives of other people. The box can serve as a magnifying glass which brings us closer to artists in concert or athletes at the stadium, and can change perspectives when the camera is moved or the focus is altered. All this creates an informational and recreational picture. Cinema: on a white flat surface a story is told with the help of moving figures and sound. A moral and aesthetic picture is created. A combination of informational and aesthetic pictures takes place within the computer. The very principle of continuously redrawing a picture and constantly replacing the frame speaks of this. This takes place as the wave and carpuscular theories of the dissemination of light are united. But why do we need light? To find a sought item, or to simply look something over: this is no longer a question. The flow of waves in a television transmission, which is represented on film in a nondiscrete record and falls into the computer, is encoded and exists according to the carpuscular principle of cinema, where each consecutive frame falls onto the screen, completely replacing the previous one. If we go back further into the prehistory, we uncover a similarity between the modern system of aesthetic and informational games, and the ancient Theater of Shadows and puppet shows. To control that which is being depicted is an ancient instinct. We cannot, like Plato's characters, humbly observe the representations on the wall of our cave. Our hands reach for the remote control to the television set and the keyboard of the computer. And new rules are devised for the game: from the puppet representations of computer graphics - the silicone achievements of engineers - to the theater of shadows, which project the representations from the depths of our consciousness with a maximum of certainty. Where is the human aspect of this information? In an electronic envirnment we deal with cybernetic numerical representations which are no longer loaded with their former spiritual substance. The actors of the Theater of Shadows are marionettes in the hands of necessity, which gives them life. But in the material world, with its constantly developing automation which is leading to complete control over production, economics, and personal life, the existance of yet another of a series of parallel worlds is completely in accordance with the laws of nature.
It all began with the instantaneous dissemination of information through the network of the operational system, which is supported by every kind of computer. This system is unique due to the fact that commands are implemented with the help of strange signs, which are unrelated to any language on earth. But the convenience afforded by the use of these signs, not to mention their universal application, was astonishing. Soon most of the computers on Earth were using this system, but even earlier the question was raised, "Where is the original source of this system?" The contents of all the terminals were analyzed, but no information about the well-wisher was discovered. All the producers of programs were questioned and the data on the modem network was analyzed. It seemed that the system had created itself in a few terminals, and, just as DNA is formed from a complex combination of protein molecules, or a thought is formed through the connection of neurons, so the computers themselves, joined in a network, integrated a capability with whose help it was easier for them to run themselves. Linguists were enlisted to help solve the problem, and they analyzed the symbols of the operational system. The result was unexpected. The system of symbols constituted an alphabet, and people, giving orders to the machine, were, unbeknownst to themselves, composing words and phrases in a non-existant language. This language was, of course, deciphered. And it turned out that people were unconsciously giving monologues about themselves and their work, revealing secrets and hidden desires, and in general laid themselves bare through the computer, although they did not even suspect they were doing so. But to whom were they revealing all this information? With this question they began an open dialogue with the computer. "Who are you" and "Where are you from" were the first and last questions. "Come here" was the answer. An expedition was sent on a satellite to a distant planet. Its surface was completely smooth and bare, the only exception being a geometrical design composed of small boxes. Each box contained a single charge of an unknown type of energy. The number of boxes was enormous, but finite, and they were interlinked and resembled neurons. Each box was a human personality who had lived at some time in the past, was alive at the moment, or had as yet to live. The planet was called "The Final Judgment".o a distant planet. 
The Laboratory of Cybernetic Metholodogy and the Studio of Experimental Video.
In rejecting the axiom that nothing which can be contemplated exists, we have put forth a program, and will set to work on its technological development. It is a well-known fact that in order to go somewhere you must know your destination. If we present an idea about the goal of the representation of man as a thinking and feeling creature, and this idea, by its very existance convinces us of the necessity of his materialization, then the goal has been achieved. Even Schopenhauer affirmed the fact that the world is will and representation. In presenting a ready-made representation, we use only our will expressed in the sum of technology. Therefore we have already discussed the necessity of using new forms of energy, travelling to new worlds, time travel, and processors, which strengthen the signals of the brain, transforming them completely. When we transfer images from the "idea" sphere, we achieve a full representation of the object of our research. And these are not ghostly androids, doomed to a phantasmal existance! Our slogan, "Education through Imagination", permits us to solve multifaceted problems, such as the materialization of virtual objects. After all, the pilot first flies on a simulator. By uniting a search for new associative connections with an informational and technical base, we are able to create a program of this type. etely. 
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Article description: In rejecting the axiom that nothing which can be contemplated exists, we have put forth a program, and will set to work on its technological development. It is a well-known fact that in order to go somewhere you must know your destination.

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