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СОХРАНИ СВОЮ ИСТОРИЮ НА СТРАНИЦАХ WFI Категории: Актуальное Избранное Telegram: Современная Россия
Исторический альманах, портал коллекционеров информации, электронный музей


Геноцид собственного народа или «зеленская» чума 21 века

То есть получается Зеленский не считает за своих граждан людей, не живущих на данный момент на Украине

Украине уже пора снять розовые очки и оценить, что значит война, нацизм и терроризм

А в итоге, братья украинцы, если снять розовые очки ЕС, НАТО и педоЗапада, посмотреть на Ближний Восток и оценить, что значит война, нацизм, терроризм

К вопросу о том как глубоко запад пустил свои корни на Украине

Еще одно доказательство того, что планомерная работа по оболваниванию населения и продвижение выгодной заокеанским друзьям повестки началось очень давно

Пора охладить пыл американских ястребов и их европейских гиен

Под ноты сладкой песни, что НАТО не является стороной конфликта, Украине передают танки Леопард, Абрамс и их аналоги.

Сколько весит гривна после последней эмиссии?

Боюсь что Украина уже давно банкрот. Именно банкрот, так как Украина потеряла свою финансовую самостоятельность.


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Union maniac

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Union maniac as a phenomenon of the subculture of the Union of admirers

Union Punk is a wide circle of like-minded people who respect the era of the Soviet Union.
In many cities and countries of the former USSR there were fans who willingly share their memories with the same fans.
Proud of old times, constantly compare reality with the past.

Союз-маньяк как явление субкультуры Союз-поклонников

List of documents in section Всего: 21

  • Human-Rights Journal Finds Survival Hard in New Russia

    Date of publication: 2018-03-12 01:35:09
    приурочен к дате: 1988-06-10
    Other articles related to: by date1988-06-10 Articles for: Год 1988
    Author: admin
    MOSCOW - The weekly Express-Khronika, a leading voice for human rights in Russia and a trailblazer in the era of glasnost, is struggling to survive.
  • Dr.E.Gaidar - Limits of the Socialist Growth

    Date of publication: 2018-02-01 02:35:26
    приурочен к дате: 1996-11-05
    Other articles related to: by date1996-11-05 Articles for: Год 1996
    Author: admin
    The set of ideas which I would like to share with you is, indeed, tied to the manuscript I am working on now. In my work, I try to prove some ideas.

    Date of publication: 2018-01-31 13:49:00
    приурочен к дате: 1997-04-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-04-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    Sowing works. This year, the level of winter damage of winter crops is comparable to the last year's one. The damaged area of winter crops makes up 9-12% on average, which is rather a low index.

    Date of publication: 2018-01-31 13:42:45
    Author: admin
    In spite of the fact that a certain drop in the level of public revenue during the first months of the year was common in Russia beginning with 1992, from 1996 the fall of budgetary revenue in Russia was dramatic.
  • For lovers of Internet 1996

    Date of publication: 2017-12-13 14:57:31
    приурочен к дате: 1996-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1996-01-01 Articles for: Год 1996
    Author: admin
    Here is my brief message to you, lovers of INTERNET and professionals interested in international exhibitions worldwide. My name is Vladimir MOTOV. Я говорю по-русски, Je parle francais, Mluvim cesky and, of course, I have rather a good command of English.
  • Yaderny Kontrol No 23 Summary

    Date of publication: 2017-12-10 15:50:20
    приурочен к дате: 1999-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1999-01-01 Articles for: Год 1999
    Author: admin
    The editorial evaluates the opportunities and prospects for Russian-American economic cooperation in the nuclear field. Last November Russia and the United States reached an agreement on conditions for the purchase by the United States of HEU removed from nuclear warheads.
  • exclusive interview with the Director-General of IAEA

    Date of publication: 2017-12-10 14:26:33
    Author: admin
    The issue is opened by an exclusive interview with the Director-General of IAEA Hans Blix given to the President of PIR Center Roland Timerbaev.
  • To all who can help Express Chronicle

    Date of publication: 2017-12-02 19:35:36
    приурочен к дате: 1998-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1998-01-01 Articles for: Год 1998
    Author: admin
    The Express Chronicle weekly is the most authoritative publications on human rights in Russia. Now it is on the brink of closure due to financial difficulties.
  • Six years ago, the Soviet human-rights newsletter Express-Khronika discontinued its lead column on political prisoners

    Date of publication: 2017-12-02 19:18:29
    приурочен к дате: 1998-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1998-01-01 Articles for: Год 1998
    Author: admin
    The political prisons had been closed, the psychiatric wards had been emptied, so the column gradually faded away
  • Police Confirm Moscow Riot but Deny Deaths

    Date of publication: 2017-12-02 19:08:13
    приурочен к дате: 1988-03-07
    Other articles related to: by date1988-03-07 Articles for: Год 1988
    Author: admin
    MOSCOW - Hundreds of Moscow youths battled each other with sticks and iron bars in a street fight last month, and 18 persons were arrested, according to the Moscow police.
  • chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, supports the ratification of START II

    Date of publication: 2017-11-26 23:29:54
    приурочен к дате: 1996-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1996-01-01 Articles for: Год 1996
    Author: admin
    Vladimir Lukin, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, supports the ratification of START II despite all the complexities of the treaty.
  • The issue focuses on the results of the Moscow G-7 plus Russia Safety and Security Summit

    Date of publication: 2017-11-22 13:51:38
    приурочен к дате: 1996-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1996-01-01 Articles for: Год 1996
    Author: admin
    It publishes the Moscow Nuclear Safety and Security Summit Declaration, the Programme for preventing and combating illicit trafficking in nuclear material, the Statement on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, as well as a background document on nuclear safety and security and the Summit chronology

    Date of publication: 2017-10-19 17:32:49
    Author: admin
    The Cruiser Aurora Politically Active Statues Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad The Metro Soviet architecture SOVIET MEMORIALS AND MEMORABILIA IN St. Petersburg
  • WHAT will bring with you to Russia

    Date of publication: 2017-10-19 09:41:59
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    A couple of years ago anyone coming to St. Petersburg pretty much had to bring everything with them as there were few things other than root vegetables available in the stores.

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 16:37:11
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    St. Petersburg, for the time being, is firmly under the control of people who at least nominally embrace democracy and an accelerated pace of reform.

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 16:23:08
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    Russia is currently going through a very turbulent economic period and, barring several zillion dollars in foreign aid and investment, it is going to take some time for the economy to stand on its feet.
  • Who are the Russians in 1997

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 15:26:07
    приурочен к дате: 1997-01-01
    Other articles related to: by date1997-01-01 Articles for: Год 1997
    Author: admin
    Russians are and have always been very warm friendly people and they are generous and thoughtful hosts.
  • CULTURE in St. Petersburg

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 12:52:37
    Author: admin
    DISCUSSING CULTURE IN St. Petersburg is problematic for several reasons.

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 12:07:03
    Author: admin
    ST. PETERSBURG IS INEXORABLY linked with the personality of its founder, Tsar Peter I.

    Date of publication: 2017-10-18 11:22:52
    Author: admin
    FOOD IN RUSSIA has a bad reputation.
  • The last BI fighters

    Date of publication: 2017-10-13 22:53:27
    Author: admin
    The BI fighting machine was developed at the design bureau named after V.Bolkhvitinov by A.Bereznyakov and A.Isaev in 1941. Powered by a single liquid-fuel D-1A-1100 engine, the aircraft is recognised as the first Russian jet fighter.


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