Historical information collectors portal, electronic museum 'ВиФиАй' work-flow-Initiative 16+
СОХРАНИ СВОЮ ИСТОРИЮ НА СТРАНИЦАХ WFI Категории: Актуальное Избранное Telegram: Современная Россия
Исторический альманах, портал коллекционеров информации, электронный музей


Геноцид собственного народа или «зеленская» чума 21 века

То есть получается Зеленский не считает за своих граждан людей, не живущих на данный момент на Украине

Украине уже пора снять розовые очки и оценить, что значит война, нацизм и терроризм

А в итоге, братья украинцы, если снять розовые очки ЕС, НАТО и педоЗапада, посмотреть на Ближний Восток и оценить, что значит война, нацизм, терроризм

К вопросу о том как глубоко запад пустил свои корни на Украине

Еще одно доказательство того, что планомерная работа по оболваниванию населения и продвижение выгодной заокеанским друзьям повестки началось очень давно

Пора охладить пыл американских ястребов и их европейских гиен

Под ноты сладкой песни, что НАТО не является стороной конфликта, Украине передают танки Леопард, Абрамс и их аналоги.

Сколько весит гривна после последней эмиссии?

Боюсь что Украина уже давно банкрот. Именно банкрот, так как Украина потеряла свою финансовую самостоятельность.


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This site (fcgi) and all of the above services and applications were written in high level language PureBasic.
From search engines revealed that the first site in Russian CGI written in PureBasic, a nice breeze ...

0) 2007 - Truthfully site and idea in general originated much earlier , in the year 2007 when the web service is needed to generate keys and activate the software sold by us , and to implement all this in PHP it was just laziness , this was quickly established the required web server, it is futile developed until 2010 , when he found a good use for a site engine for large database hash function md5.
1) 20 July 2010 - A start , there was little idea to generate md5 hash function and see what happens
2) July 30, 2010 - Celebrate the system administrator , the results of the weekend :
3) August 1, 2010 - Began work on the site, think about the implementation of the database on the physical level
4) August 5, 2010 - First tests pleased performance hollowed base in 16 threads , moscow boils ...
5) August 10, 2010 - The decision was made , we start to work on the release of non-relational database
6) August 20, 2010 - Gone month , writing just that from the point itself that you are now reading
7) September 3, 2010 - Finally assembled database engine is made active testing ,
have achieved outstanding performance in comparison with MySql MyIsAm
8) September 6, 2010 - We continue to work on the site , completed a three-day test database performance statistics let down :
9) October 5, 2010 - continues to develop the functionality of the site, and working hours of useful tools , such as online generator of unique passwords ,
preparing a database of popular passwords and brute force dictionary to confirm the uniqueness of generated passwords . To get the best performance of the site, put the engine on the machine with a processor only 700Mhz ;-).
10) November 2010 md5 is boring , charm continuation of the development of this engine .
11) in January 2011 , more features and more , the first time completely changed the algorithm engine
12) appeared in April 2011 admin panel, site data ceremoniously stored in the database
13) August 2011 engine stopped being evil CGI'nym for CGI , now only FAST-CGI
14) completed in November 2011 with the integration of WFI NGINX
15) December 31, 2011 , we suddenly realized that the work-flow-Initiative has long no engine and no CMS ( though these features are present ), and complete specific server .
16) January 2012 WFI modular now , that has been gathered in a single service was divided into module CMS, modules , and some sections of the engine and the actual WFI server which is among modules advocacy )
17) April 2012 WFI way now multithreaded, dynamically extensible server
18) May 2012 afte developed all the interesting new modules , features , etc. , and soon the server modules will be completely independent .
19) in July 2012 and is not it time to set up on the basis of WFI 's not only for their own needs , so to say push it into production ... created and was the site ... and it works until now ...
20) January 2013 second complete processing of all the algorithms and principles of the server
21 )

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