Historical information collectors portal, electronic museum 'ВиФиАй' work-flow-Initiative 16+
СОХРАНИ СВОЮ ИСТОРИЮ НА СТРАНИЦАХ WFI Категории: Актуальное Избранное Telegram: Современная Россия
Исторический альманах, портал коллекционеров информации, электронный музей


Геноцид собственного народа или «зеленская» чума 21 века

То есть получается Зеленский не считает за своих граждан людей, не живущих на данный момент на Украине

Украине уже пора снять розовые очки и оценить, что значит война, нацизм и терроризм

А в итоге, братья украинцы, если снять розовые очки ЕС, НАТО и педоЗапада, посмотреть на Ближний Восток и оценить, что значит война, нацизм, терроризм

К вопросу о том как глубоко запад пустил свои корни на Украине

Еще одно доказательство того, что планомерная работа по оболваниванию населения и продвижение выгодной заокеанским друзьям повестки началось очень давно

Пора охладить пыл американских ястребов и их европейских гиен

Под ноты сладкой песни, что НАТО не является стороной конфликта, Украине передают танки Леопард, Абрамс и их аналоги.

Сколько весит гривна после последней эмиссии?

Боюсь что Украина уже давно банкрот. Именно банкрот, так как Украина потеряла свою финансовую самостоятельность.


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Port Scanner

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Scan ports popular host site , a laptop or remote .
Online port scanner shows what ports are open on the test address and what they are responsible .
Verification is performed through the proper scanner designed for server-based WFI.
A port scanner is drawn to the host using the popular list of ports or port you entered determines which ports are open , closed or too slow , on the basis of these data it is possible to understand how the scanned host is open to the outside world , which ports should be closed and opened if you are interested in port handling .
You can type in any IP- address, and any domain .
More about our scanner ports :
Port scanner software designed to detect in a test network host or list of hosts , open ports or port available or unavailable for work. Port scanners , typically used by system administrators to identify weaknesses networks , vulnerability and their subsequent elimination or ready to test whether the port you want to work with him in the settings or development of any software.Our port scanner allows you to check any IP- address, but only in good intentions , if you are trying to bridge the gap in security or trying to organize the work through the appropriate port and this requires checking its performance .
It is strictly forbidden to use this scanner for illegal actions.

  • 21: FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  • 22: SSH - Secure Shell
  • 23: Telnet
  • 25: SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • 53: DNS - Domain Name Service
  • 80: HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol - WWW
  • 110: POP3 - Post Office Protocol
  • 143: IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol
  • 443: HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol - Secured
  • 993: IMAPS - Internet Mail Access Protocol - Secured
  • 995: POP3S - Post Office Protocol - Secured
  • 6666: IRC - Internet Relay Chat
  • 6667: IRC - Internet Relay Chat
  • 6668: IRC - Internet Relay Chat
  • 7070: RAP - Real Audio Protocol
  • 554: RTSP - Realtime Streaming Protocol
  • 1503: NetMeeting - Microsoft NetMeeting
  • 1720: H323 - H.323 Protocol
  • 1723: PPTP - Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol
  • 1755: MMS - Microsoft Media Server Protocol
  • 3389: RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol
  • 2000: SCCP - Skinny Client Control Protocol
  • 389: LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • 636: LDAPS - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - Secured
  • 5900: VNC - Virtual Network Computing
  • 123: NTP - Network Time Protocol
  • 79: Finger - Finger user information protocol
  • 137: NetBIOS-NS - NetBIOS Name Service
  • 138: NetBIOS-DGM - NetBIOS Datagram Service
  • 139: NetBIOS-SSN - NetBIOS Session Service
  • 161: SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
  • 162: SNMP-Traps - Simple Network Management Protocol - Traps
  • 992: Telnets - Telnet - Secured
  • 989: FTPS - FTP - Secured
  • 990: FTPS - FTP - Secured
  • 1352: Lotus Notes - IBM's Lotus Notes software
  • 3306: MySQL - MySQL DB Server
  • 1812: RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
  • 1813: RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
  • 5432: Postgres - Postgres DB Server
  • 70: Gopher - Internet Gopher
  • 1433: MS-SQL - Microsoft SQL Server And Monitor
  • 1434: MS-SQL - Microsoft SQL Server And Monitor
  • 1512: WINS - Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
  • 44333: KWF Admin - Kerio WinRoute Firewall Administration
  • 44334: KPF Admin - Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall Administration
  • 44337: KMS Admin - Kerio MailServer Administration
  • 1494: CITRIX - Access To CITRIX Server From Internet
  • 5631: PC Anywhere - Access To PC Anywhere From Internet
  • 5632: PC Anywhere - Access To PC Anywhere From Internet
  • 119: NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol
  • 563: NNTPS - Network News Transfer Protocol - secured
  • 6000: COFS - ISS OrangeWeb Filter Service
  • 2401: CVS - Concurrent Versions System (cvspserver)
  • 3050: InterBase - Borland InterBase
  • 4080: KWF WebAdmin - Kerio WinRoute Firewall web administration Interface
  • 4081: KWF WebAdmin-SSL - Kerio WinRoute Firewall web administration Interface - Secured
  • 445: Microsoft-DS - Microsoft Networking
  • 5190: ICQ - ICQ Instant Messaging
  • 1863: Windows Messenger
  • 7001: Windows Messenger
  • 3128: HTTP Proxy - HTTP Proxy Server
  • 411: DC++ - Direct Connect Hub
  • 1214: Kazaa - Kazaa Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 4661: eDonkey - eDonkey Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 4662: eDonkey - eDonkey Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 4663: eDonkey - eDonkey Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 4664: eDonkey - eDonkey Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 4665: eDonkey - eDonkey Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 5060: SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
  • 179: BGP - Border Gateway Protocol
  • 67: DHCP/BOOTP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol/Bootstrap Protocol
  • 68: DHCP/BOOTP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol/Bootstrap Protocol
  • 88: Kerberos - Kerberos Network Authentication Service
  • 749: Kerberos - Kerberos Network Authentication Service
  • 1701: L2TP - L2F/L2TP tunnel
  • 1698: RSVP - Resource Reservation Protocol
  • 1699: RSVP - Resource Reservation Protocol
  • 1080: Socks - Firewall security protocol
  • 514: Syslog - System Logging Utility
  • 6345: Gnutella - Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire) Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 6346: Gnutella - Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire) Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 6347: Gnutella - Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire) Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 6348: Gnutella - Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire) Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 6349: Gnutella - Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire) Peer-To-Peer Network
  • 500: IKE - Internet Key Exchange
  • 1900: UPnP - Universal Plug And Play Protocol
  • 2869: UPnP - Universal Plug And Play Protocol
  • 4090: Kerio VPN - Kerio Virtual Private Network Service
  • 113: Ident
  • 465: SMTPS - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Secured
  • Enter the ip address or hostname of the test or
    Your ip address:
    closed or timeout:

    Or specify a port scan:

    There were scanned ports:398932

    Each port is tested for 1 second , when suddenly stopped progress of the test , then you click on " REQUEST " continue scanning .

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